Natural Gas is The Solution to Our Energy Issues

Most of us consider natural gas to be a gas that exists naturally, as the name might imply. In reality, natural gas is a mixture of approximately eight gases, primarily methane, ethane, butane, propane, carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen sulphide, in the proportions in which they comprise natural gas. Normally, the gas is colorless and odorless, but for safety purposes, odorants, which are small, negligible substances with the ability to impart scents, are added to give it a unique odor.

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Canada Natural Gas

Natural Gas

In its cleanest, most refined form, methane comprises the majority of the gas that is delivered to our homes for domestic reasons and is more familiar to us. Many of us are unaware of the significant role natural gas already plays in our homes and daily lives. Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), a mixture of propane and butane, is now commonly utilized in the United States as a heating source for ovens, clothes dryers, boilers, and central heating in our houses during harsh weather. Hydrogen derived from natural gas is gaining popularity as an alternative source of fuel for our vehicles, and countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Pakistan, India, and Sweden have already made significant strides in their efforts to significantly reduce their reliance on petroleum or gasoline.

Natural Energy

Natural gas is produced by the same process that creates crude oil, the energy source upon which the world relies so heavily today. Over time, they are both produced by the chemical breakdown of decaying organic matter in the absence of oxygen. In subterranean wells, natural gas is frequently discovered trapped with oil. Due to their creation, they belong to the category of fuels known as fossil fuels. Surprisingly, despite their similar origins, their characteristics and practical applications are surprisingly distinct.

Natural Gas

Pictures of Natural Energy Resources

In the past, oil was believed to be the sole viable source of energy in the wells, while gas was viewed as a waste product and burned in the atmosphere through a procedure known as flaring. Flaring of gas was a serious issue for environmentalists because it has been demonstrated to be a major source of pollution, causing enormous damage to the environment and even greater costs to attempt to repair the damage.


Until someone found that gas could also be used as a source of energy with significant economic advantages over crude oil in terms of production costs, environmental friendliness, and availability, this had been the case. It has been demonstrated that natural gas burns very efficiently, producing little waste; it burns 43% more efficiently than gasoline and 60% more efficiently than coal. Some molecules in coal and oil do not burn fully and are discharged into the atmosphere, considerably adding to air pollution; however, this is not the case with gas. Compared to coal and oil, it emits significantly fewer damaging carbon byproducts. Many scientists believe that there are far greater natural gas reserves than crude oil reserves. Qatar and Iran are rumored to hold the world's greatest natural gas reserves, estimated at approximately 900 and 500 trillion cubic feet, respectively.


The good news is, however, that natural gas can be created artificially! We have not yet figured out how to create petroleum, and there is little hope that we ever will, but this is not the situation with natural gas. Its primary component is methane, which can be created biologically from agricultural waste and other organic waste materials, such as dead plants and animal manure, that would otherwise be sent to landfills or other waste disposal operations. Specifically, these waste products are chemically broken down by microscopic methane-producing microbes called methanogens, in a manner similar to how natural gas is produced.

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Concerns exist regarding the nature of methane, as it is recognized as one of the most potent greenhouse gases, i.e. gases that occur naturally in the atmosphere to regulate the temperature of the planet constantly to habitable levels. However, man's adventurous exploits over the years have increased the levels of these gases beyond the naturally occurring levels, causing them to trap and seal ever-increasing levels of heat within the earth's surface. Some individuals think that greater usage of natural gas as a fuel source will surely exacerbate this issue. However, this must be demonstrated. Many environmentally conscious individuals believe that there is a need to search for much more ecologically friendly energy sources; but, until these sources are economically viable, natural gas should serve as a viable alternative in our drive for a cleaner, healthier earth.